Discovering and creating new things
With Lucy's Lab I'll share inspiration and recipes
to try at home

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Inspiring recipes
Here I share with you some of my discoveries in the kitchen or by creative customers and friends to try at home.
Let's make our days sweeter!
4 easy steps for a perfect dessert
Step 1
Pick a basic product
This is the base of your dessert. It can be the traditional brownie or one of the filled ones...
It's up to you! ;)
Step 2
Add 2 side ingredients
A side ingredient will tickle the tongue because of the extra tastes. For example, add a sour ingredient next to the sweet base. It can also add colors to your dessert.
Step 3
Choose a topping
With a topping you can give an extra dimension to your dessert. Crumbles, nuts, syrups or fruits are the most commons toppings. Choose the ones you like most!
Step 4
Dress the plate & serve
Time to dress up your plate. Be creative. First place the base, choose a position for the sides and last but not least sprinkle the topping with love. Now serve and enjoy!